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If you’ve never considered websites a serious investment opportunity or have never heard of website flipping at all, I don’t blame you.

Buying and selling sites has silently become a multi-million dollar business over the last few years yet very few professional investors are taking advantage as compared to the traditioal investment avenues like real estate or stocks.

And here lies the opportunity.

With the right guidance and preparation, you can find a high potential online business for as low as $10K to $15K and sell it off for 20x to 40x its monthly profits in around a year.

And that’s beginner level stuff.

At Investors Club, we routinely facilitate website deals in the range of $50K to $500K+.

Sounds interesting?

Keep reading because, in this article, I’ll tell you exactly how you can get started with website flipping and invest in highly profitable online businesses.

What Are Digital Assets?

Before I go into the details of this business model, let me quickly give you an introduction to digital assets.

A digital asset is any online platform, that you completely or partially own, which has a regular audience that can be monetized.

For example, domains and websites are the most popular digital assets where you can drive traffic and make money in lots of different ways.

Facebook Groups and Pages, YouTube Channels, and other social media profiles with lots of subscribers are also digital assets that you partially own.

An email subscriber base or a mobile app are other popular examples of digital assets.

All of them are traded online and people with the right skill set routinely profit by investing in them.

However, since this is a beginner’s guide, we’ll stay focused on websites – the most popular of all digital assets.

Website Flipping – How Investors Make Money 

So how exactly does website flipping or the business of buying and selling websites work?

Almost exactly the way investors flip real estate.

Here’s a graphical reprasentation of the website flipping business modeles.

As you can see, the whole business model consists of 4 main steps.
  • You identify and purchase sites that are making money but can be made much more profitable with a few technical improvements (this isn’t as easy as it sounds, though).
  • You start making improvements to the site’s content, branding, SEO, technical aspects, and anything else that can be improved so that the site’s monthly earnings increase.
  • Once the site reaches new heights, you sell it off to another investor for a much higher price tag (or you can keep it for cash flow if that’s what you prefer.)

The whole process takes anywhere between 6 months to 2 years depending on the condition of the site you acquire and your own goals.

There are countless examples of successful website investments.

For example, The New York Times acquired The Wirecutter, a famous product review site, for more than $30 million in 2016/17


The objective of this stage is to improve the site from every aspect so that it can be sold for a much higher price.

Here are some of the main activities for this stage:

  • Improving the site’s design, branding, and overall appearance.
  • Improving its technical performance areas like page load speed, mobile compatibility, user experience, etc.
  • Making the site more profitable by reducing expenses and streamlining the processes.
  • Adding new revenue channels to diversify the income portfolio, with a special focus on passive income sources.
  • Optimizing the conversion rate of the existing revenue channels
  • Optimizing the existing traffic channels
  • Adding new traffic sources.
  • Building and growing website assets like email subscriber base and social media profiles.
  • Automating, outsourcing, and streamlining as many of the website’s operations as possible.

This duration of this stage depends on the condition in which you acquired the site.

It can be as short as 6 months and as long as a year or even 2 years. During this time, you’d have to bear the operational expenses of the site and invest more money in improving its overall performance.

But as you do that, the site’s monthly income will gradually improve and might even completely pay off for its operations.

Once you grow the site to a level where it’s generating a consistent income and generating regular traffic, it’s time to cash out.

If you’re not really into learning all the stuff I mentioned above, there are plenty of high-quality website operators out there who can do this for you. You can sit back and invest, and let the operators do the rest. 


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